Unofficial Patch - Fixes all the bugs that Bethesda doesn't fix themselves, from game breaking bugs to simple typos. A lot of the mods I use require Fallout 4 Script Extender. I went through almost 200 visual mods that I use on my game and only came up with a handful that work on Xbox. Here's some mods that I know do work on the Xbox through that I use on PC in my game. The Xbox/PS4 checks on the Nexus are only really there to inform you that the mod is also available on for your platform.

You might find some that also have versions available on.

Mods files you download from the Nexus are for PC only through Vortex, Mod Organizer, or to be manually installed. For modding on the Xbox, you should be going through Bethesda's own site and using the game's own built-in mod system which you can access through the game's title screen.